Author Archives: Harold
Faith like a cattail seed
In three of the Gospels Jesus spoke to his apostles that having faith as, or like, or the size of a mustard seed would be enough to tell mountains or trees to move and they’d move. The humbleness and common … Continue reading
Loving the light, honoring the lamp
One of the key benefits of the revelation of Baha’u’lláh is expressed in a talk that His son, His appointed successor `Abdu’l-Bahá gave to the Japanese YMCA at an “independent Japanese church” in San Francisco in 1912. “The foundation of … Continue reading
Seeing past the autumn
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the son of the founder of the Bahá’i faith, is considered to be a very special soul. He spent most of his life in captivity, but towards the end of his time on earth, he was released from political … Continue reading
Could it be …Satan?
As a member of Generation X, I was culturally raised by Saturday Night Live. The Dana Carvey skits where he played the Church Lady were entertaining and funny, often calling out very public corruption. Why would this be the topic … Continue reading
The medium is the message
As to the fundamentals of teaching the Faith: know thou that delivering the Message can be accomplished only through goodly deeds and spiritual attributes, an utterance that is crystal clear and the happiness reflected from the face of that one … Continue reading
Be a blessing to your land
Bahá’i’s are called to love the planet. I recall the power of this quote deeply. It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is … Continue reading
The sea of affirmation
This video I encountered at the end of a Children’s Health Defense show. It is a reading of a poem by Jonathan Reed, which was the winning entry of a 2007 AARP contest. It went viral back then, and there … Continue reading
Hide The Word in Your Heart
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11 This psalm was given to me by my father when I was an agnostic in college in the eighties. He had been a … Continue reading
Trust the Science
Please forgive my reference to a statement, “Trust the Science”, that I mostly find unhelpful. Yet trust and science are profoundly relevant and practical aspects of life, whether you are a Bahá’i or not, in this period of great stress … Continue reading